Friday, March 20, 2015

Build A Line Challenge - #fail

I have failed. I didn't finish the challenge. Why? Well, the largest reason is that I felt terribly discouraged. Lemme also say this.... I think that I came in to this challenge on a different page than many *maybe not*. I've been making my "idea" for several years, and it's my largest seller. As I mentioned in my first blog post, I have had a piece in my style (crochet) be published in Bead Style, so I wasn't really starting from scratch. I have countless photos of pieces I've made over the years, bracelets and necklaces.... where *I* messed up was not being able (or having the energy via chronic illness and life) to glean from the class where everyone else was. I felt like I was holding out for the last section - and really - where I felt I needed the most help. Along the line.... someone made a comment that really hurt me and if I'm being honest, kinda turned me off. Should I have spoken up, yep. Should I have taken the time to read further into the comments, perhaps.... but I didn't...again, my failure. I'll get through this and I'll go back to learn...and I've got good peeps around me who I'm sure will help me, where and when they can. So, to Brenda - I'm sorry. To my classmates - I've also let you down in not being able to share my wisdom or questions but hope that you will forgive me and still share your wisdom. No matter how far we went in this challenge, we're still all on the road together. Thanks for letting me walk with you, for a while. And...if nothing else....I have an idea for something for designers that may be pretty cool, maybe THAT will be my "line" and my claim to fame if this crochet thing doesn't work out ;)


  1. Don't be so hard on least you gave it a shot.

  2. I agree with Icaudle. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Remember that nobody can take away from you what you've learned in class. You can use what you've learned and the experience you've had so far with your jewelry in whatever way you wish.

    We make plans then life gets in the way. It's just the way it is. It's nobody's fault so again, don't be so hard on yourself.

    If you ever need help, I am only a PM away. I'll be glad to help if I can. Just don't ask me any questions on seed beads ;-)

    Take care xx

    Bead Lovelies

  3. You have a set back not a failure.
    you have learnt something which at present may not feel like anything but somewhere in the future you will pull that information out of your memories and use it.

  4. Don't be too hard on yourself, as the others have said. This is just a detour on your way to a wonderful line. Hang in there!

  5. You have not failed! If anything, it's a slight setback...please don't be so hard on yourself! You've come a lot farther than those who did not join this challenge. Pat yourself on the are awesome!

  6. So sorry the experience felt like a failure to you and I'm sorry you were hurt in a comment. I gotta tell you this social media thing can be tough since we aren't face to face getting the full meaning can be difficult. At any rate, learning was the key for me and that definitely happened. I hope for you as well. Keep up and follow your vision. Take care.

  7. I hope you find time to take what you were able to glean and apply it to your work. I look forward to seeing where you go with your ideas.

  8. One thing I have learned, Linda, is that there is always someone there with a hurtful word, something to spoil our joy. Perhaps the comment was not even directed at you or could have been misunderstood. At any rate, I am sad that it ruined the challenge for you and I would have welcomed your approaching me to let me know that you had an issue, so I could have fixed it for you if possible. That's always my role, whether teaching, or in my other FB groups, to try and fix a situation. It might have made all the difference. And in the long run, I do not think this is a total may simply have been the wrong time for you to try and work this out. There were concepts in this class that for me, are tried and true, even textbook....I lived them, and they work. At the same time, I was surprised to find out how shockingly new they were to so many. I think the class was a huge revelation to all of us, ME, most of all, as living the dream and succeeding at it to some degree is quite different than being able to teach the steps one needs to take to get to that level.....or! whatever level along the line that you wish to achieve.....because in the long run, it's entirely your choice. Your choice to proceed, your choice to say, no, here's where I'm comfortable, your choice to be offended and turn away, your choice to say, no, I want this and I'm not letting anything get in the way. Feel free to gather the class notes and save them for a time when you are ready for them, and please know I am always here for you if you have questions or want to let me know what your issue was. Perhaps it can still be fixed so that you feel like sticking with us through the end of the class. XOXO

  9. Linda, you didn't fail. The timing was wrong. I got my feelings hurt, too but decided just to ignore it because I can be too sensitive for my own good. And frankly, sometimes walking away from something that isn't serving our needs is the best thing we can do to honor ourselves. No worries about letting anyone down. We were glad to have you for the time you were with us. Wishing you brighter days, good health, and a springtime bursting with creativity, magic, and joy.

  10. Linda, never think of yourself as a failure. Just move forward and continue doing what you enjoy. Life is too short. Looking forward to seeing what you create. ;)

  11. Oh dear, major hugs given to you dear one.... I have autoimmune illnesses and have to be oh so careful not to run myself into the dirt.... I get it. You did not fail! You took care of you. What ever happened I am unaware of, if you need anything PM me and I will be there! Here's to happy sales to you and gentle hugs

  12. I am so sorry that someone hurt your feelings to the point that you did not want to continue your journey with us, You did what you felt you should do for you. No one can say anything bad about that. I would still love to see your end results someday when you are ready.

  13. Linda-Sorry to hear that this felt like a failure to you, but I invite you to look at your willingness to accept the challenge and what you did achieve and the insights you gained.

    "An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail." -Edwin Land

    All the best as you move forward on your path.

  14. Linda, I am so sorry that you were hurt during this process. You didn't fail, however, because in spite of everything, you finished your last blog post. I am hopeful that will you take all the good from the class and know that you have a friend here. Take care. Hope to see you at the reunion, Linda. <3

  15. Linda, Best wishes to you on your journey. I hope you can take some learnings from this challenge that will be helpful to you.

  16. I am sorry you feel hurt. I was discouraged before but there are always someone who supporting you, like us. If I gave up, I would not be in this challenge. So think positively. Don't let those who can't see your work bother you.

  17. Linda I am sorry you feeling were hurt... have you considered talking to the person who offended you? Sometimes people leave behind hurt feelings and have no idea that they do so, and would be horrified.. and sometimes starting that conversation gives you a 2nd chance to start a great friendship. And sometimes not.. but I almost always feel better by standing up for myself and saying, hey, maybe you didn't mean to, but that hurt! . and don't feel bad about not finishing the challenge, you did part of the journey and that is important... not all of us are ready ( or will ever really want to) make jewelry like this, and that's OK.

  18. Linda .. so sorry .. I know sometimes I misread things that are written .. you did finish your BLOG and that was the hardest part for me .. I want to encourage you to let those negative words go move on and have fun with designing .. you can do it !!! hugs xoxo

  19. You didn't fail at all, Linda ... you just took another path for now. You can take what you learned in class, and use it on that other direction. I'm sorry that you felt hurt and discouraged during the class, and hope that you've chosen to rise above and create some more beautiful things. {{{ <3 }}}

  20. I'm so sorry you were hurt and discouraged. You have already shown you are successful, and I hope you are able to push through and continue to create beautiful things.

  21. If You did Your best then You were not a failure, don't ever feel that way. I've dealt with chronic illness and serious injury for a lot of years now, so I know how hard it is just to get up the ability to attempt something some days. It's really incredibly hard to go on after someone knocks you down again. That's on their head, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Your skills and designs will prove themselves. Keep at it.

  22. I consider you a winner because you took the Challenge! Whoever it was who had the stupid hurtful comment--I'm on my way to pound them into the pavement--LOL. But so sorry that happened. I love your wild and whimsical personality and so hope you'll keep commenting in our Alumni group class page just for us--we are all classmates and I personally would love to see more of what you create and so would others! And for you crochet that works and sells--take it away and fly with what you love GF!!!!! <3

    1. I could hug you! Thank you SO MUCH for your encouragement! =) I'm gettin' there.... FINALLY feeling some creative juices flowing - which is half the battle, right? =) <3
