Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The last few days have been some tough ones.  I've been weepy, more nauseated than usual, and generally down.  Today, we learned that my father has a somewhat aggressive auto-immune disorder, that if not treated quickly, can result in blindness. 

There was a shooting at the Washington Navy Yard....a place I nearly took a job.  Thankfully, none of my 'people' were injured or killed.  Praising God for that.

Today, is the 16 year anniversary of my mother's death.  She had cancer - unknown origin - with it spreading to her liver and lungs.  Approx 11:15 a.m. she passed peacefully, in to the arms of Jesus and the Angels who were there to bring her home.  I felt the presence of the angels.  I felt the warmth of their presence in the room and specifically over her.  Something I'd never experienced before or since - thankfully. 

It's been an emotionally draining time....glad I finally figured out what was happening in my spirit.  I love her so much and wish she were here - so so so so so much.

See you soon, Mommy!

1 comment:

  1. Dear sweetie,
    I am a mother of five sons. I feel your pain. sending you lots of wihite light, prayers and love. xoxox jean
