This weekend, I have a rare Saturday off. I don't have a show and it feels kinda nice. =) I'll be sad when my bank account looks the same on Sunday, as it does today, but I could use some forced rest and frankly, God closed all the doors for shows this weekend - so I'm gonna enjoy it.
Something that's been on my mind, as of late, has been.....pricing. Some folks look at my pieces and say "WOW! SO cheap!" others say "Yeah, not THAT cute" so I wanted to take a little time and explain "Why so much".
First, some education - when I started making jewelry - one thing I had to learn was the language. Much like other hobbies, be it a sport or craft, you need to learn the words to make yourself, at least, SOUND like you know what you're talking about. More importantly, when you don't MAKE something - you don't really care about what's inside - you just see that it's "hot" or it's "not".
One of the largest reasons my jewelry is priced where it is (and I believe it's priced very competitively AND fairly - I do need to eat, buy medicine and of course, new beads) is because of the materials that I choose to use. One of the most expensive things being wire. Now, you may be thinking "Wait...hold up! I don't have WIRE in my necklace - it's all beaded and pretty...ain't no wire here!" - well - actually - look between the beads...what's holding them in place? It may be wire, or thread or some other fiber. If you've purchased from http://CherryOnTopDesign.Co - nearly all of my pieces have wire somewhere in them...either strung on wire or held together by wire. That wire is VERY important - without it - you have no necklace!
As with many pieces and parts, there are different "grades" of wire...good, better, best. Personally, I choose to use the "best" wire because not only does it create a stronger piece, but it ensures that one day it's pretty unlikely that your beads will fall off your neck and fall to the floor like little ping pong balls flittering in every direction known to man. I like "best" wire because as a consumer, I want to know that YOU (designer or in this case, I) have thought of me (or this case - you the customer) and thought highly enough of me to "use the very best". The truth is - in every single piece of jewelry I make...I try to think of YOU, what is easy (magnetic clasps on bracelets, toggle clasps on necklaces, ear nuts on earrings) and what drives me insane as a consumer. I guess I'm trying to fix the wrongs, as I see it, in the jewelry industry (one piece at a time!). Er something like that.
SO - next time you're at a craft show and see a piece of jewelry for $5, ask them about their materials...why they chose it...why they choose not to use higher grade materials and let me know what they say.
Don't get me wrong - $5 jewelry can be good...and trust me....I bought it for YEARS! I can only imagine how much money I spent on jewelry before making it myself...but remember this...
Life is too short to wear crappy jewelry. =)
Friday, November 22, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The last few days have been some tough ones. I've been weepy, more nauseated than usual, and generally down. Today, we learned that my father has a somewhat aggressive auto-immune disorder, that if not treated quickly, can result in blindness.
There was a shooting at the Washington Navy Yard....a place I nearly took a job. Thankfully, none of my 'people' were injured or killed. Praising God for that.
Today, is the 16 year anniversary of my mother's death. She had cancer - unknown origin - with it spreading to her liver and lungs. Approx 11:15 a.m. she passed peacefully, in to the arms of Jesus and the Angels who were there to bring her home. I felt the presence of the angels. I felt the warmth of their presence in the room and specifically over her. Something I'd never experienced before or since - thankfully.
It's been an emotionally draining time....glad I finally figured out what was happening in my spirit. I love her so much and wish she were here - so so so so so much.
See you soon, Mommy!
There was a shooting at the Washington Navy Yard....a place I nearly took a job. Thankfully, none of my 'people' were injured or killed. Praising God for that.
Today, is the 16 year anniversary of my mother's death. She had cancer - unknown origin - with it spreading to her liver and lungs. Approx 11:15 a.m. she passed peacefully, in to the arms of Jesus and the Angels who were there to bring her home. I felt the presence of the angels. I felt the warmth of their presence in the room and specifically over her. Something I'd never experienced before or since - thankfully.
It's been an emotionally draining time....glad I finally figured out what was happening in my spirit. I love her so much and wish she were here - so so so so so much.
See you soon, Mommy!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Do you know what I did yesterday? Don't do ya....
When I got home, I started doing my 'inventory' - putting things in their new homes with new prices, so I know what to charge when I use them and all went well until......SWAROVSKI.
I held that little bag in my hand, peered through the plastic and marveled at their beauty. I oo'd and ahh'd to myself and dreamed of making beautiful pieces with my new colors of.....SWAROVSKI.
I, finally took my little bag, worked up the courage and opened the bag. I reveled in the twinkles and shimmers. I took the sticker off the bag and found the new little home for these little gems.....SWAROVSKI.
I poured them in, so carefully, watching them flow out of the bag like a brand new bag of cereal. It sounded like little puffs of rice hitting my bowl. And then I sat......and stared......and moved the little container around for all them to sparkle and I sat and sat and STARED at my new......SWAROVSKI (for 30+ minutes).
So, while I may be tired and may be weary, I'd do it all again for another bag of my favorite.....SWAROVSKI!
Look for some new pieces from me, too, featuring SWAROVSKI crystal! Check out my store right here! - http://cherryOnTopDesign.Co
Love their AWESOME crystal, too? Show them some love on their facebook page! And NO I was not paid for this opinion, given any crystal or offered any (although I'd never turn it down ;) ) by Swarovski or any of their affiliates/subsidiaries.
I went to a bead show from one of the large chain retailers and spent a boat load of money. I bought this and thats, bits and bobs, and thing-a-ma-jigs....and crystal. Vintage Rose, Rose Peach, Sand Opal, Light Rose Satin and Griege....
When I got home, I started doing my 'inventory' - putting things in their new homes with new prices, so I know what to charge when I use them and all went well until......SWAROVSKI.
I held that little bag in my hand, peered through the plastic and marveled at their beauty. I oo'd and ahh'd to myself and dreamed of making beautiful pieces with my new colors of.....SWAROVSKI.
I, finally took my little bag, worked up the courage and opened the bag. I reveled in the twinkles and shimmers. I took the sticker off the bag and found the new little home for these little gems.....SWAROVSKI.
I poured them in, so carefully, watching them flow out of the bag like a brand new bag of cereal. It sounded like little puffs of rice hitting my bowl. And then I sat......and stared......and moved the little container around for all them to sparkle and I sat and sat and STARED at my new......SWAROVSKI (for 30+ minutes).
So, while I may be tired and may be weary, I'd do it all again for another bag of my favorite.....SWAROVSKI!
Look for some new pieces from me, too, featuring SWAROVSKI crystal! Check out my store right here! - http://cherryOnTopDesign.Co
Love their AWESOME crystal, too? Show them some love on their facebook page! And NO I was not paid for this opinion, given any crystal or offered any (although I'd never turn it down ;) ) by Swarovski or any of their affiliates/subsidiaries.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Uhhh- WHOA! That's HUGE! I am again with some very EXCITING NEWS!
Our local newspaper came out in July to interview me about my jewelry and my story. After the pieces were published in BeadStyle, I sent an email to our local press and they were interested in the story. SO...August 25 my piece was published! Check it out! They did SUCH a great job and I'm SO proud to be able to share my story with thousands of people!
Here's the official link:
Our local newspaper came out in July to interview me about my jewelry and my story. After the pieces were published in BeadStyle, I sent an email to our local press and they were interested in the story. SO...August 25 my piece was published! Check it out! They did SUCH a great job and I'm SO proud to be able to share my story with thousands of people!
Here's the official link:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
August....'s amazing how our lives can quickly go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows and not even know how you got there. The last several weeks have been SUCH a roller coaster for me. I've had my first pieces of jewelry published, I was interviewed by our local newspaper, I boarded a plane to DC, couldn't fix my cars a/c, couldn't get access to cash, had a pretty rough meeting and left feeling defeated. I know it will get better...but tonight...I just want to cry. I think that's allowed.
It's that feeling of not being able to 'catch a break'. I'm tired of being bullied by people who think that it's a-ok to bully others. I'm tired of grown adults - bold face lying. I'm tired of poor choices and just not know what to do between the worse or worser choice. Most important I'm tired of not being able to deal with basic things in life. I feel so lost and alone.
It's been 1 year since moving back to Minnesota. I have exactly 1 more friend than I did before I moved. When will things finally look up? All my things are STILL sitting in storage, in VIRGINIA....1000+ miles away. I desperately want to get my things home - how do you raise money when you have none? Will be ok - just alot on my mind and really sad.
On the other hand....this is the 2nd piece that made it in to the September issue of Bead Style
It's that feeling of not being able to 'catch a break'. I'm tired of being bullied by people who think that it's a-ok to bully others. I'm tired of grown adults - bold face lying. I'm tired of poor choices and just not know what to do between the worse or worser choice. Most important I'm tired of not being able to deal with basic things in life. I feel so lost and alone.
It's been 1 year since moving back to Minnesota. I have exactly 1 more friend than I did before I moved. When will things finally look up? All my things are STILL sitting in storage, in VIRGINIA....1000+ miles away. I desperately want to get my things home - how do you raise money when you have none? Will be ok - just alot on my mind and really sad.
On the other hand....this is the 2nd piece that made it in to the September issue of Bead Style
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Exciting News!!!
I'VE BEEN PUBLISHED!! My very first piece that I ever sent in to be published, was picked up and published in the September 2013 BeadStyle Magazine!!
I made this piece a few years ago, when I was pretty young in my jewelry making. I found this strand of adorable glass beads - for $1/strand. I wanted to make a bubble style necklace, but being that I didn't have or really know where to find, the prefab pieces - I set out to make my version of the necklace. THIS is what came out.
Now, I have to be honest....this piece was just ok, in my eyes. I didn't really wear it but kept it around because it was cute and something I thought was a good learning experience. It was a pretty deary day and a galpal and I stopped at the Post Office to mail some packages out. While there, a woman who worked there saw my necklace and just raved about it. My friend immediately said 'She has other stuff in her purse'...which I did. SO, I finished my business with the PO and walked back to her to give her a biz card, when she walked us over to another coworker who loved jewelry, too. This necklace started a beautiful friendship with these women - it also got me thinking that maybe this was a better piece than I thought.
On a whim, I decided the week before Thanksgiving to send a photo of this piece in to BeadStyle to see if they may be interested. Within a week, I had an answer and it was YES! I FREAKED! =)
Fast Slow Forward to June when I receive an email telling me that MY piece will be the first piece featured in a BRAND NEW SECTION of the magazine! *I* would set the bar!! EEEEKKKK!
I don't know what will come of this, but what I DO know is to NEVER discount your own work. Had I not pulled this little piece out on a rainy day - it might not have given me exposure on a world wide scale and even more importantly - put me on the radar in jewelry world. SO excited to see where this goes!
I made this piece a few years ago, when I was pretty young in my jewelry making. I found this strand of adorable glass beads - for $1/strand. I wanted to make a bubble style necklace, but being that I didn't have or really know where to find, the prefab pieces - I set out to make my version of the necklace. THIS is what came out.
Now, I have to be honest....this piece was just ok, in my eyes. I didn't really wear it but kept it around because it was cute and something I thought was a good learning experience. It was a pretty deary day and a galpal and I stopped at the Post Office to mail some packages out. While there, a woman who worked there saw my necklace and just raved about it. My friend immediately said 'She has other stuff in her purse'...which I did. SO, I finished my business with the PO and walked back to her to give her a biz card, when she walked us over to another coworker who loved jewelry, too. This necklace started a beautiful friendship with these women - it also got me thinking that maybe this was a better piece than I thought.
On a whim, I decided the week before Thanksgiving to send a photo of this piece in to BeadStyle to see if they may be interested. Within a week, I had an answer and it was YES! I FREAKED! =)
I don't know what will come of this, but what I DO know is to NEVER discount your own work. Had I not pulled this little piece out on a rainy day - it might not have given me exposure on a world wide scale and even more importantly - put me on the radar in jewelry world. SO excited to see where this goes!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
ZOINKS! My "bead hoardes" piece!
OH NO! I forgot all about the bead hoarders post!! Please forgive me?
This piece has been in my head for a loooong time and am so glad I FINALLY took the plunge and glued all the rivoli stones in! I just LOVE this piece and am SO, SO proud of it!

Monday, June 10, 2013
Dry Desert Land
I've been kinda in a funk lately....feeling dry, parched and in the desert. I'm struggling with inspiration, I'm struggling with my health and I'm struggling to get my feelings conveyed in the way that makes sense....just struggling. I thought writing might help me process some of these things, but I'm not even sure what to say beyond that I just don't feel 'right'....whatever that means.
I do know that I've been struggling socially and that is never a good thing, in my world. I continue to feel unknown here - people are asking if I'm back for a visit...and I say 'I've been here since August'. Nearly a YEAR!
I think I'm kinda lost right now....looking for direction...looking for the place to look next....waiting for the chapter to be turned in to what is next. and frankly...I see nothing. No change. No brightness of exciting things to come. No idea at all.
This time last year, my life was in complete chaos. My great roommates were moving out, I was getting ready to move out - finding movers - finding a place to live with a girl who was so neurotic that she wouldn't sign a credit check form and finally (June 27th-ish) I decided to come home for 'a few months' - which has now turned into permanent. I feel so lost - it brings thoughts of a marathon runner running their race, minding their business and knowing that a hydration station is coming up...but not being able to find your team....because they aren't there.
Chronic illness is difficult and strips you of so many things that you can't control - and frankly - those are the worst.
I'll get through this, one moment at a time....just really struggling
Monday, June 3, 2013
So when you say 24 really mean 2.4 days?
Alright - rant alert...
There is a company, who shall remain nameless, that I have purchased beads and supplies from in the past. On every page of their website, there is a beautiful banner at the top of the page which states that they offer "Fast Shipping - Orders Shipped within 24 hours!". Now, to most people, that would mean, that within 24 hours of ME placing an order YOU will have it picked, packaged and in the mail to me...right? Well, for the 3rd time, in a row, this company has not followed through on their 'promise'.
So, the 2nd time it happened, I wrote them an email asking what took so long. They informed me that since I placed my order during a sale, that it took longer for them to process it - now keep in mind - I also placed an order from another website supplier who DOESN'T make this claim, yet THEIR package arrived before the one I placed with the alleged 24 hour shipper - but is it MY fault that THEY offered a sale and didn't send the supplies within their own promise? That's a no. Well, apparently, I offered an olive branch too soon because once again I ordered from this company....and yet again....3.5 days to process my meager order and send it. I placed said order last Monday 5/24 - it shipped on 5/27 - I have yet to see the order. *sigh*
And yes -I ordered something else from ebay on arrived today.
Stepping off my rant pedestal.
There is a company, who shall remain nameless, that I have purchased beads and supplies from in the past. On every page of their website, there is a beautiful banner at the top of the page which states that they offer "Fast Shipping - Orders Shipped within 24 hours!". Now, to most people, that would mean, that within 24 hours of ME placing an order YOU will have it picked, packaged and in the mail to me...right? Well, for the 3rd time, in a row, this company has not followed through on their 'promise'.
So, the 2nd time it happened, I wrote them an email asking what took so long. They informed me that since I placed my order during a sale, that it took longer for them to process it - now keep in mind - I also placed an order from another website supplier who DOESN'T make this claim, yet THEIR package arrived before the one I placed with the alleged 24 hour shipper - but is it MY fault that THEY offered a sale and didn't send the supplies within their own promise? That's a no. Well, apparently, I offered an olive branch too soon because once again I ordered from this company....and yet again....3.5 days to process my meager order and send it. I placed said order last Monday 5/24 - it shipped on 5/27 - I have yet to see the order. *sigh*
And yes -I ordered something else from ebay on arrived today.
Stepping off my rant pedestal.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Hey Ma look! A mistake!
So the last few weeks, I've noticed this trend in my jewelry that I'm making silly 'mistakes' in many of my pieces. Now, keep in mind...I'm not seeing these 'mistakes' until the piece has been made and usually photographed, that I see it - grrrr! There are times that being a perfectionist blows! HOWEVER, I've decided that there are no mistakes in HANDCRAFTED art, these imperfections show it's HANDCRAFTED! No big box company would EVER let a piece with a 'mistake' leave the warehouse...but since I decide what goes out the door....imperfections give my piece character!
I present to you my value-enhanced, handcrafted, necklace 'WOODn't you like to own me?'
I present to you my value-enhanced, handcrafted, necklace 'WOODn't you like to own me?'
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Putting the FUN Back In My Life
Holy Crickets has it been a loooooooong winter here! Just this week - we had another FOOT of SNOW!! THIS is why I moved to DC!
As you can imagine, gray skies and a bunch of personal drama (You can help by clicking here) has REALLY damped my spirits. I've been struggling with depression for most of my life and after being here just 1 winter, I know why. It's just SO dark, gray and dreary for SO long! I miss the sun, I miss playing in the Cherry Blossoms and I miss the freedom of SPRING! This has also been evident in my jewelry...pretty boring or not even happening at ALL. SO sad and making me feel even worse about things.
A few days ago, I'd had enough. It's time to start putting some FUN back in to my life. is the fruit of that labor.
You WOODn't Know It's Spring....
I Went To A Craft Show and Came Home Hammered
I SAW her standing there..
No Need To Be Crabby, Linda!
As you can imagine, gray skies and a bunch of personal drama (You can help by clicking here) has REALLY damped my spirits. I've been struggling with depression for most of my life and after being here just 1 winter, I know why. It's just SO dark, gray and dreary for SO long! I miss the sun, I miss playing in the Cherry Blossoms and I miss the freedom of SPRING! This has also been evident in my jewelry...pretty boring or not even happening at ALL. SO sad and making me feel even worse about things.
A few days ago, I'd had enough. It's time to start putting some FUN back in to my life. is the fruit of that labor.
You WOODn't Know It's Spring....
I Went To A Craft Show and Came Home Hammered
I SAW her standing there..
No Need To Be Crabby, Linda!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Shameless Plug...Or Beg
Friends - Many of you know that due to some unforeseen circumstances, I ended up moving home last summer rather hastily. I'm DESPERATE to get my things back to me...including my car, hospital style bed, camera, other jewelry supplies, clothing, shoes... everything. If YOU feel led to Help A Sistah Out, would you? ANY donation will help! THANK YOU!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Ok some of you are like...uh...what?!
Several months ago, I joined a little group known as Bead Soup Cafe and what we do there is several times a year, a very SWEET and ORGANIZED woman opens up the opportunity to exchange "Bead Soup" with a partner, who has a style quite different from your own. You are given a few weeks to put together a BANGING piece of jewelry from what is sent to you. It is requested that you send REALLY nice beads and must have a clasp as well as a 'focal' piece. Over 500!! People signed up and you can see them all right here:
My partner was a very kind and adorable lady named Jackie and her blog is: - please take a moment to visit! She's from the great Commonwealth of Kentucky! (I don't think KY is a state? - anyway) She sent me a beautiful mixture of beads that she made and thought would go together swimingly. =)
If I'm being honest, it was a challenge for me (and it should have been). I'm much more of a bright, chunky, silvery kinda gal and was presented with a mixture totally out of my comfort zone. If I'm being more honest - i LOVED it! I LOVED being stretched to look at things I wouldn't typically gravitate towards and making it kinda fit my style. SO - without further adieu I give you what was sent to me.
And THIS is what I made!!! I LOVE IT!! =) OH and she MADE the STUNNER of a pendant and the matching beads - she MADE THEM!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013
Day 6 - Use a different metal
Today's challenge is to try a different metal - here I come copper....
Typically, I'm a silver girl. I don't know why - I just like it. Today's challenge was to use a different metal, so I went with copper. I found these GORGEOUS earring pieces and purchased these stunning vintage, czech glass beads and found out how beautiful they look together! Proud of this one. =)
Typically, I'm a silver girl. I don't know why - I just like it. Today's challenge was to use a different metal, so I went with copper. I found these GORGEOUS earring pieces and purchased these stunning vintage, czech glass beads and found out how beautiful they look together! Proud of this one. =)
Day 5 - Use some leftovers
YAY! Use some leftovers!!
These beads are awe-some! When I first started beading, I purchased these little tubes of glass beads. They were a nice variety for a good price and at that point, I was still a beginner and didn't need anything fancy (do I NEED fancy now? NO!). I've come to LOVE these beads because I can make ADORABLE pieces for a decent price and still good quality. These beads are some of my oldest and some of my favoritest! OH - and I made a new product too - medical id bracelets. =)
These beads are awe-some! When I first started beading, I purchased these little tubes of glass beads. They were a nice variety for a good price and at that point, I was still a beginner and didn't need anything fancy (do I NEED fancy now? NO!). I've come to LOVE these beads because I can make ADORABLE pieces for a decent price and still good quality. These beads are some of my oldest and some of my favoritest! OH - and I made a new product too - medical id bracelets. =)
Day 4 - Try a New Beading
So - today is "Try a New Beading Weave" day - I don't bead weave. Instead, I decided to do 'Finish a project' that's what I did.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I will be having a piece of my jewelry in BeadStyle Magazine (the largest in the World), in July! I made this piece in the same style as the piece that will be in the magazine. I made it a little more formal/bridal - just because I could. =)
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I will be having a piece of my jewelry in BeadStyle Magazine (the largest in the World), in July! I made this piece in the same style as the piece that will be in the magazine. I made it a little more formal/bridal - just because I could. =)
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Day 3 - A piece for a friend
A few weeks ago, a girlfriend asked me to create a badge holder for her, for her newly minted badge! I have been working on a few different options for her and am awaiting her decision on which she likes best =)
YAY! I also made another badge that could be purchased by anyone, but is simply beautiful, if I do say so myself. =)
YAY! I also made another badge that could be purchased by anyone, but is simply beautiful, if I do say so myself. =)
Day 2: A simple strung necklace
A simple strung necklace - I chose to re-do a necklace I had that hadn't sold. Here's the new...
Here is day 2:
And the old:
Here is day 2:
And the old:
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Giving it a Whirl!
In my last post, I talked about not being in my bead room, enough. SO! I have decided to do a 30 day beading challenge. An online supplier has issued a challenge and offered a calendar of 30 days of beading fun and I'm going to give it a whirl!
Day 1:
A pair of earrings
Day 1:
A pair of earrings
Sunday, February 24, 2013
I realized tonight that it's been a looong time since I spent some "quality time" in my beading room. Just haven't felt inspired lately. I dunno why. Perhaps because I've been discouraged with some things that are happening behind the screen, but more I think because I just have been feeling kind of..... un-important.
I'm not saying I'm depressed, but just frustrated that people who SHOULD care for us - continue to refuse care to me. It hurts my feelings, but more than that, it makes me sad that the reason I feel this way is because I feel unwanted and unworthy. Now, many might think "oh gee - she's feeling bad because she's single".... no.... I'm feeling bad because DOCTORS are treating me this way. (BTW - don't we PAY them to care about us?) Why is that acceptable? I didn't ASK for the issues I have, I didn't PICK them, I didn't CHOOSE them.... so why is it ok for someone to tell me that they don't want me? *I* didn't have that choice. Do these people REALIZE the message that they sending? The message is "you're not worth my time" - then they wonder why depression is so rampant. Really?!
I'm not saying I'm depressed, but just frustrated that people who SHOULD care for us - continue to refuse care to me. It hurts my feelings, but more than that, it makes me sad that the reason I feel this way is because I feel unwanted and unworthy. Now, many might think "oh gee - she's feeling bad because she's single".... no.... I'm feeling bad because DOCTORS are treating me this way. (BTW - don't we PAY them to care about us?) Why is that acceptable? I didn't ASK for the issues I have, I didn't PICK them, I didn't CHOOSE them.... so why is it ok for someone to tell me that they don't want me? *I* didn't have that choice. Do these people REALIZE the message that they sending? The message is "you're not worth my time" - then they wonder why depression is so rampant. Really?!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Craft Night!
Here it is - or was - Valentines Day and I find myself single - again. In years past, I've often had parties to celebrate singleness, done Mystery Dinners, and all kinds of other fun evenings with lots of friends and great memories. This year, I was feeling kinda down not knowing what I was going to do, because I'm still new here and still feel pretty dis-connected. I don't feel like I have a flowing group of friends that I can call at the drop of a hat to hang out for the evening, go do something crazy or just hang out. (For the record, I've been here since August and I've not had one friend (non-family member) come to my home or frankly, even know where it is)
Since I've been here, I've done my best to attend a weekly Bible study with some ladies. I've struggled to feel like I fit in and feeling like I'm not liked. More importantly, I feel like it doesn't matter if I'm there or not - which makes it even harder for someone who has struggled with social anxiety, since becoming chronically ill, to feel like they "belong".
Well, on Tuesday, after our study - I was talking with 2 other girls and discussing what we were going to do tonight, after dinner. I offered to bring supplies to make bracelets. I just kinda threw the idea out and it seemed to be well received. So, as I started to plan for this (mind you, 48 hours ago) I realized that if I was going to do this - I wanted to bring out the 'good stuff'. We, as single women, are often discounted as not valuable because we're not married. The truth is - we're the 'good stuff' in God's eyes! SO, knowing that I'd want to bring Swarovski, Preciosa and other high quality beads I realized that I didn't have enough for a group of up-to 10. I needed a plan change - and quick. I came up with the idea to make pendants.
I brought some glass tiles, some 'glossy accents' and scrapbook papers and we went to work. We had so much fun cutting things out, being creative and laughing! I also told the ladies about my angst of not having enough of the 'good stuffs' to bring for the class, so I brought small little Swarovskis and put one on each of the girls bails (the little metal piece which makes a little piece of something into a pendant), before they glued them on. *OOOH I love me some phone photos - still sad my camera is holed up in my storage unit in Virginia =(*
It turned out to be a great night - full of home cooked food, hand crafted pendants and remembering that WE are God's Swarovski - Shining like the sun, for HIM!
Since I've been here, I've done my best to attend a weekly Bible study with some ladies. I've struggled to feel like I fit in and feeling like I'm not liked. More importantly, I feel like it doesn't matter if I'm there or not - which makes it even harder for someone who has struggled with social anxiety, since becoming chronically ill, to feel like they "belong".
Well, on Tuesday, after our study - I was talking with 2 other girls and discussing what we were going to do tonight, after dinner. I offered to bring supplies to make bracelets. I just kinda threw the idea out and it seemed to be well received. So, as I started to plan for this (mind you, 48 hours ago) I realized that if I was going to do this - I wanted to bring out the 'good stuff'. We, as single women, are often discounted as not valuable because we're not married. The truth is - we're the 'good stuff' in God's eyes! SO, knowing that I'd want to bring Swarovski, Preciosa and other high quality beads I realized that I didn't have enough for a group of up-to 10. I needed a plan change - and quick. I came up with the idea to make pendants.
I brought some glass tiles, some 'glossy accents' and scrapbook papers and we went to work. We had so much fun cutting things out, being creative and laughing! I also told the ladies about my angst of not having enough of the 'good stuffs' to bring for the class, so I brought small little Swarovskis and put one on each of the girls bails (the little metal piece which makes a little piece of something into a pendant), before they glued them on. *OOOH I love me some phone photos - still sad my camera is holed up in my storage unit in Virginia =(*
It turned out to be a great night - full of home cooked food, hand crafted pendants and remembering that WE are God's Swarovski - Shining like the sun, for HIM!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Yep - that's right - I sold one of the pieces (the one below) I made for the No-Show! SO excited that despite the stinko situation, I was true to myself and true to the beautiful pieces that I make.
I went to a show this weekend, it was pretty d-e-d...however a very sweet woman came to my table (I was tucked away from the main rooms) and she fell in LOVE with this necklace! I felt like a SuperStar! It just reminded me that regardless of how discouraged I feel, God has given me this talent.
The other thing I'm reminded of is that OTHER PEOPLE LIKE MY STUFF! Ok, some of you are like 'Duh! That's why you're selling, right?' - well kinda - but the truth is - I sell so I can feed my beading habit. =) The whole process just reminded how important it is to remember that this woman (No-Show) liked my jewelry that I had made just for fun - not because I was trying to make something specifically for a wedding. It also reminded me of how fragile my feelings toward my work can be so easily be broken.
I realized that I pour so much of ME into each piece I make. Every time I make something - a piece of me goes with it. That's either really COOL to think or really CREEPY. =)
I went to a show this weekend, it was pretty d-e-d...however a very sweet woman came to my table (I was tucked away from the main rooms) and she fell in LOVE with this necklace! I felt like a SuperStar! It just reminded me that regardless of how discouraged I feel, God has given me this talent.
The other thing I'm reminded of is that OTHER PEOPLE LIKE MY STUFF! Ok, some of you are like 'Duh! That's why you're selling, right?' - well kinda - but the truth is - I sell so I can feed my beading habit. =) The whole process just reminded how important it is to remember that this woman (No-Show) liked my jewelry that I had made just for fun - not because I was trying to make something specifically for a wedding. It also reminded me of how fragile my feelings toward my work can be so easily be broken.
I realized that I pour so much of ME into each piece I make. Every time I make something - a piece of me goes with it. That's either really COOL to think or really CREEPY. =)
Friday, February 8, 2013
You are an Obsession....Your my obsession...
Pearls. It's true. I can admit it. Pearls are my obsession. Why? They're beautiful. They're classic. They NEVER go out of style. Did I mention they are beautiful?
I've got a show tomorrow and this last week I took out all my pieces to decide where to put what (after removing Christmas-y pieces) and it was like a sea of pearls! (HAHA! A SEA of Pearls!) I didn't realize how many pieces I had made with them in it...matte pearls, big pearls, little pearls, colored pearls, white pearls... Pearls! Pearls! Pearls! Could be worse I guess...could be poo!
I've got a show tomorrow and this last week I took out all my pieces to decide where to put what (after removing Christmas-y pieces) and it was like a sea of pearls! (HAHA! A SEA of Pearls!) I didn't realize how many pieces I had made with them in it...matte pearls, big pearls, little pearls, colored pearls, white pearls... Pearls! Pearls! Pearls! Could be worse I guess...could be poo!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
So, I was at a certain fast food restaurant a few weeks ago...buying my extraordinarily healthy dinner of fries and a smoothie, when a gal behind the counter said 'Oh my gosh I love your necklace!'... of course I said 'Oh thank you. I made it and I sell them.' - you would have thought I was giving money away! Women came from the deepest recesses of this store to see my necklace and get my card. One of them asked 'Oh, do you have a catalog or something?' to which I responded that no, I don't have one as I'm the only designer and make it all myself. She got me to thinking that maybe she's on to something.... maybe I SHOULD do a catalog. What do you think?
- I make several different types of jewelry
- It would put images of my products into many ppls hands without having to drag pieces everywhere I went (although I do anyway)
- It would remove the internet barrier, meaning, them going home, pulling out my card and actually looking at my website
- It would offer me a way to leave my tracks in places I go...i.e., offices, churches, restaurants
- Price - NOT cheap
- I do 'one of a kind', which means that once the piece is sold, it's gone - thereby making the piece in the catalog void
- Prices can change
- Because I make each of my pieces, all are copywritten - the risk of copycats increases (although maybe that's a Pro?)
- Do I put my phone number on them? Maybe the whole world doesn't need to know how to contact me =)
Here are some examples of different types of jewelry I make:
Hand knotted pearls:
ChainMaille Bracelets:

Hand poured resin (Also do pendant parties where you can make them too!):

Badge Holders:

- I make several different types of jewelry
- It would put images of my products into many ppls hands without having to drag pieces everywhere I went (although I do anyway)
- It would remove the internet barrier, meaning, them going home, pulling out my card and actually looking at my website
- It would offer me a way to leave my tracks in places I go...i.e., offices, churches, restaurants
- Price - NOT cheap
- I do 'one of a kind', which means that once the piece is sold, it's gone - thereby making the piece in the catalog void
- Prices can change
- Because I make each of my pieces, all are copywritten - the risk of copycats increases (although maybe that's a Pro?)
- Do I put my phone number on them? Maybe the whole world doesn't need to know how to contact me =)
Here are some examples of different types of jewelry I make:
Hand knotted pearls:
ChainMaille Bracelets:

Hand poured resin (Also do pendant parties where you can make them too!):

Badge Holders:

Friday, February 1, 2013
Sneeky Peeky!
Another piece that I made for the no-show bride. STUNNING purple pearls, white pearls and gorgeous crystal cubes. I think it's hot. =)
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Inspire me....
Man - the last few days have been....blah. I dunno why. I think I'm still a little tee-d off about the no-show. Normally, I hang out during the day and before bed, I stop in my beading room and make something sweet. That's kinda the way it's been for the last few months.
This last week or so...not so much. Perhaps it's still this infection bit (Sinus and ear infection) or maybe just the winter blues. I've been feeling kinda sad lately, mostly, missing the things I don't have and wish I did. Most notably - friends and community. I'm finding that after nearly 6 months of living in MN, the relationship part of life is still the, by far, the toughest part. I don't feel like I have solid friendships, outside of a few family members who can't be my entire support network. Family is a treasure and really, one of the largest reasons I moved home, but they can't be *everything*.
I'm missing having girlfriends to call and go out to dinner with or just come over and be silly with. It's a piece of me that is really missing and I'm kinda out of ideas as to where to look. I'm in a small group through a local church, however I find that the group is pretty surface-y. There isn't a lot of deep, honest conversation. I haven't found it a place that I can really kinda lay it on the line, if that makes sense. More importantly, it doesn't really feel like a place where people WANT to go deeper.
Wait - how did a blog about beading turn into this? Anyway - I'm hoping to get out my amethyst for Feb and make some really cute pieces! I'll keep you posted!
In the meantime, have some ideas of where to meet some great folks? I'd love to hear your ideas! Btw - I don't do bars or places like that....I'm a good girl =)
This last week or so...not so much. Perhaps it's still this infection bit (Sinus and ear infection) or maybe just the winter blues. I've been feeling kinda sad lately, mostly, missing the things I don't have and wish I did. Most notably - friends and community. I'm finding that after nearly 6 months of living in MN, the relationship part of life is still the, by far, the toughest part. I don't feel like I have solid friendships, outside of a few family members who can't be my entire support network. Family is a treasure and really, one of the largest reasons I moved home, but they can't be *everything*.
I'm missing having girlfriends to call and go out to dinner with or just come over and be silly with. It's a piece of me that is really missing and I'm kinda out of ideas as to where to look. I'm in a small group through a local church, however I find that the group is pretty surface-y. There isn't a lot of deep, honest conversation. I haven't found it a place that I can really kinda lay it on the line, if that makes sense. More importantly, it doesn't really feel like a place where people WANT to go deeper.
Wait - how did a blog about beading turn into this? Anyway - I'm hoping to get out my amethyst for Feb and make some really cute pieces! I'll keep you posted!
In the meantime, have some ideas of where to meet some great folks? I'd love to hear your ideas! Btw - I don't do bars or places like that....I'm a good girl =)
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Hrmph. No Show
So, one thing I've struggled with is how to deal with appointments who set an appointment, then cancel. Yep the MOB did it. We were to meet at 5, she called at 3 to say it wasn't going to work and could we reschedule for the end of February.... I said yes and hung up the phone. So, here I am with 4 necklaces and options, ready to go and no where to take them. Anyone need some bridal jewelry? =)
Truth of the matter.... if she wants me to go forward, I will be asking for a deposit. I don't think that's wrong - you pay a deposit on a dress - you pay a deposit on flowers - why should I be any different? I shouldn't. It's hard to say that, though. My time and the money I invested in this little adventure DO matter. I can't do this all the time....ordering crystals, stones, pearls, not knowing the colors or any other details really.... so why not? Because it's hard to say to someone that YOU value your time. I'd think this is a struggle for most early business owners. I'd love to hear any recommendations y'all have for how to deal with this in the future.
For now - I wore one of the necklaces to the doctor and WalMart. It was hot.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Brides! Bridesmaids! and Maids of Honor! Oh my!
SO.... I'm excited to share with y'all that I will have my first official wedding consultation tomorrow! I met the Mother of the Bride (MOB) at a show a few weeks ago, who fell in LOVE with a piece but wanted it in a different color.
She was *so cute* to watch with this necklace.... she came over, talked to me about it and tried it on. She noted the clasp (one of my favorite things about making jewelry), the little details and called her daughter (Bride) to get over and see it. Daughter couldn't come, so a photo was sent... next thing I know...I'm showing MOB some pearls I have in the color they wanted and how I could change this and that to make it work for them. As the day went on...I spy MOB coming back to the booth to look at it again....and with a friend....and Mother of the Groom (MOG)....reaching AROUND other customers to take it off the bust and show this one and that.... I felt like a rockstar!
Tomorrow - show time! I've worked on a necklace redux with the correct colors and a little kick. I've also made 1 other option and hope to do another. I don't want to overwhelm them with choices, but DO want to offer something different since I've never seen the dress, the bride, the colors, or really *any other details*. Do you know how HARD that is?! Tonight, I came to the realization that the MOB fell in love with a piece that I made because I needed something new, not because I was trying to impress someone or find a Bride and that's the approach I needed to take with the other keep your eyes peeled for the new version!
Here's something similar to the piece MOB fell in love with (the REAL one I need to pillage from) =)
She was *so cute* to watch with this necklace.... she came over, talked to me about it and tried it on. She noted the clasp (one of my favorite things about making jewelry), the little details and called her daughter (Bride) to get over and see it. Daughter couldn't come, so a photo was sent... next thing I know...I'm showing MOB some pearls I have in the color they wanted and how I could change this and that to make it work for them. As the day went on...I spy MOB coming back to the booth to look at it again....and with a friend....and Mother of the Groom (MOG)....reaching AROUND other customers to take it off the bust and show this one and that.... I felt like a rockstar!
Tomorrow - show time! I've worked on a necklace redux with the correct colors and a little kick. I've also made 1 other option and hope to do another. I don't want to overwhelm them with choices, but DO want to offer something different since I've never seen the dress, the bride, the colors, or really *any other details*. Do you know how HARD that is?! Tonight, I came to the realization that the MOB fell in love with a piece that I made because I needed something new, not because I was trying to impress someone or find a Bride and that's the approach I needed to take with the other keep your eyes peeled for the new version!
Here's something similar to the piece MOB fell in love with (the REAL one I need to pillage from) =)
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Numero Uno!
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
My name is Linda and I've decided that NOW is the time to start a blog. Why? Because it's time! =)
A little about me:
- I love God
- I have my own company called Cherry On Top Design. Co
- I'm a jewelry designer
- I live in Minnesota
- I love pearls, mookaite and anything unique
- I'm in my mid-30s
- I have a chronic illness called gastroparesis
- I LOVE photography (although my camera is buried in my storage unit thanks to my awesomely bad movers)
- I have some great friends, although I'm still working on making friends here in Minnesota
- I have one of the coolest dad's in the world!
My hope for this blog is that I'll be able to teach you something new, offer some tips and tricks when it comes to jewelry, and have a place to showcase my new pieces. Tell your friends!
My name is Linda and I've decided that NOW is the time to start a blog. Why? Because it's time! =)
A little about me:
- I love God
- I have my own company called Cherry On Top Design. Co
- I'm a jewelry designer
- I live in Minnesota
- I love pearls, mookaite and anything unique
- I'm in my mid-30s
- I have a chronic illness called gastroparesis
- I LOVE photography (although my camera is buried in my storage unit thanks to my awesomely bad movers)
- I have some great friends, although I'm still working on making friends here in Minnesota
- I have one of the coolest dad's in the world!
My hope for this blog is that I'll be able to teach you something new, offer some tips and tricks when it comes to jewelry, and have a place to showcase my new pieces. Tell your friends!
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