You can see MY pieces, below the magazine - including their item codes so YOU can check out the exact pieces I used (and get some for yourself!)
My necklace design came very quickly to me. I love the idea of the tubes swelling and contracting around the neck. The crystals were the perfect addition, to add just a touch of sparkle and interest. One thing I did find, is that the small tubes may require smaller headpins. They are tiny little holes. I absolutely LOVE the piece and when it's on - it's even more fun and interesting.
Necklace codes:

RS274-46AB Chinese crystal designer glass rondelle Beads faceted 46AB-Opaque Blue Opal AB (about 150-pc-str)
RS274-43AB Chinese crystal designer glass rondelle Beads faceted 43AB-Opaque Seafoam Green AB (about 150-pc-str)
S93-B01 Cultured Sea Glass tube Beads 01-Crystal (strand length 8 inches) 14x4mm
S81-B01 Cultured Sea Glass tube Beads 01-Crystal (strand length 8 inches) about 9x4mm
S92-B01 - Cultured Sea Glass tube Beads about 6x4mm 01-Crystal (strand length 8 inches)

Bracelet codes:
S38-B39 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 39-Periwinkle Changes -periwinkle blue color (7-pc-str)
S38-B84 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 84-Lemon (7-pc-str)
S38-B88 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 88 - Light Aqua `Coke` bottle Seafoam (7-pc-str)
S38-B06 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 06-Blossom Pink (7-pc-str)
S38-B39 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 39-Periwinkle Changes -periwinkle blue color (7-pc-str)
S38-B84 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 84-Lemon (7-pc-str)
S38-B88 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 88 - Light Aqua `Coke` bottle Seafoam (7-pc-str)
S38-B06 Cultured Sea Glass nugget Beads 06-Blossom Pink (7-pc-str)
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